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The Gate Agency will create a photo project about the channel in RYBALSKY

The Gate Agency will create a photo project about the channel in RYBALSKY
  • calender 30.05.2018

The Gate Agency will create a unique photo project dedicated to the construction of the channel in RYBALSKY. The organizers plan to capture the step by step process of work – from concreting the base of the channel to its final launch.

The Gate Agency specializes in shooting exclusive objects of the city, which the channel in the residential area of ​​RYBALSKY is rightly considered to be. The main goal of the project is to create a photo story of construction, because this is a unique event and nothing like this was built in Kiev since the 60s, when the Rusanovskiy channel was created.

After the building of the channel the residents of the complex will be able to enjoy all the advantages of the water area: two bicycle and pedestrian bridges, public square near the water in the form of an amphitheater, green zone, fountains. Also along the channel there will be a pedestrian street with numerous restaurants and cafes.

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